Sunday, April 13, 2014

Great to see Ron outside!

It has been 70 degrees the last two days! Ron wanted to go outside today and walked around the fenced-in garden area. He held onto the fence, used his cane, and stopped to rest 3 times, but he did it. I hope this is the beginning of a new trend. He also watched me clean out the asparagus bed.
It was a loooong winter. He had his 75th extracorporeal photopheresis light treatment last week; the treatments help to counteract his over zealous bone marrow which attacks his own body. Chronic graft versus host disease is like an autoimmune condition.


  1. Thanks for the photos Doc. I'm glad to be able to see grass instead of snow in the background. It's already warm here in the Carolinas (high 70s). I've mowed three times already. Dane & Brenda Hatley

  2. I need to add pictures more frequently! It has snowed again since these warmer days, but we know it won't last. I refuse to add any more snow pictures!
    We are enjoying watching the migratory birds on the lake. The loon has been my favorite with its eerie call.

  3. Jan how is Doc? Dane & Brenda

  4. Great pictures! Thanks :) ~Jill
