Saturday, April 5, 2014

Per her wishes...

GG, Ron's mother, passed away on 11-12-13. Today Ron's brother Rick, Tammy, Ron, and I gathered at South Gilead Cemetery when her ashes were buried next to their dad. Rick did such a beautiful and complete job of carrying out her wishes, and now it is done. She would have been 93 in February.
Ron did not get out of the car, but I was able to pull up close. Rick, Tammy, and I shared some closing thoughts, and of course, we had lavender and purple flowers, her favorite. It was a peaceful setting and felt like the appropriate way to say a final good-by.

1 comment:

  1. Jan and Ron,
    You two are with us in spirit more than you know. We speak of you often. You've had so many challenges in the past four years but yet continue on with tenacity and courage. That's who you are. Jan good luck with the surgery. Ron can be your nurse for a change...tell him I said so. Delve into Spring and find renewed strength. You have our love, Hutch and Ginny
