Friday, August 21, 2015

Moving ahead

Monday will be the 4 year anniversary of Ron's bone marrow transplant; it is also the day of Ron's oral surgery at University Hospital. He has to be at the hospital at 5:45 AM and surgery is at 7:30. It feels surreal at this point even though we've been through the preliminary appointments. Ron has been through so much but continues to be a fighter. I am sure that next week will have some new challenges for both of us.
I saw Ron's AML leukemia oncologist today. He called out to me, and we visited shortly. He was Ron's doctor for 16 months through 8 hospitalizations for aggressive chemotherapy. After bringing him to his second remission, Dr. Mag has been Ron's doctor beginning with his transplant 4 years ago.


  1. Good luck to Ron on his surgery. We'll be thinking of you both and hope for the best outcome. Ummm sounds like DQ might be a good option once things calm down. Stay the course and keep moving forward. our love,
    Hutch and Ginny

  2. I see a lot of ice cream, pudding, and mashed potatoes in his future. This has actually been true for awhile. He really only has one tooth intact. Most are broken off at the gum line. He never seems to "get down", doesn't have pain, and with the 3 antibiotics he takes, has not had an infection in his mouth. He is the bravest person that I have ever known.
