Monday, August 24, 2015

Not too many answers yet

The ruling out process is underway, so I guess those are answers too. Ron did not have a pulmonary embolism. He still has a bloodclot in his leg, but it is not new and is attached so is in the process of dissolving. He had negative results for a viral infection. A bloodtest shows there is an infection in his body, so that is most likely his lungs because chest X-ray and CT scan confirmed pneumonia. They are doing a bronchoscopy tomorrow because there are changes in his lungs since June. They will take fluids and tissue samples to test. His lung damage is due to chronic graft versus host disease.
Ron is on 3 IV antibiotics and oxygen and his other usual medications. His oxygen is down to 4 liters from 6, so he is improving. I think he will go home on Friday. After they find out specifically what his lung infection is, that will narrow the antibiotics he is taking.

1 comment:

  1. Praying that Ron will be able to have the oral surgery since that is a constant source of infection for him. Stay strong & know that we are sending good thoughts. Love & hugs, Ann & Bob
