Friday, May 14, 2010

May 11-14

Ron and I enjoyed having Niccole here for 4 days over the Mothers Day weekend through Tuesday. On Mothers Day Nic and I had brunch with Ron's brother, wife, and GG (Great Grandma-Ron's mom who is 89). We returned to the hospital, and Ron was discharged that afternoon. Cale and Jack came for the night and day on Tuesday-Wednesday. We were so glad to have Cale's help when the pontoon was delivered from winter storage. 3 year old Jack is just the best "cheerer upper" for Ron.

Both Wednesday's and Friday's early morning blood draws indicated that Ron need blood transfusions, so we are in the learning curve for having that done at the Cancer Center in Coldwater during its hours or the hospital after hours. He had 2 units of blood at the Cancer Center on Thursday and 2 units at the hospital on Friday. We returned home about 10:00 last night. The transfusions are expected; as one nurse put it "He had a double whammy with the leukemia making his bone marrow sick, and then the chemo also makes it sick, so he will not produce his own blood adequately for awhile."

The effects of the first round of consolidation chemotherapy are at the strongest now, so his blood counts are low. We will not be able to have visitors at least over the weekend. On Monday we will see his local oncology doctor at the Coldwater Cancer Center. An uneventful weekend will be wonderful!

Thanks for your continued expressions of support. We are so appreciative.
Ron & Jan

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