Monday, May 10, 2010

May 4 - 5 - 6

We have returned to University of Michigan Hospital for Ron's first round of consolidation chemotherapy. This is the first of 3 rounds of follow-up chemo. His bone marrow biopsy last Thursday again showed no leukemia cells, but this additional chemo will greatly improve the odds for a permanent remission. Of course, we are going for the cure! We are back in the same unit and have the same medical staff which we cannot say enough good things about. Ron will get to go home on Sunday afternoon; the 2nd round of chemo will be in June and the 3rd round in July. We are looking forward to Niccole coming for a 4 day weekend with us. Jan had a great evening and morning in Bowling Green with Lisa, Abby, and Cale's family.


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