Saturday, May 22, 2010

May 15 - 22

The phase of treatment for this week involved transfusion support and low counts for white blood cells, red blood cells, and platelets. Infection risk had been high, so Ron could not have visitors until today, Saturday May 22. Now he enters a 10 day period of further (anticipating uneventful) recovery before returning to the U of M on June 1 to cycle through another month with a similar pattern. The last round of chemotherapy will be in July. We are now comfortable with the routine at the Hospital and the Cancer Center in Coldwater, Michigan, where he receives his local treatment when we are home. He had transfusions of platelets on 2 days.
We did go out on the pontoon on Thursday which was such a beautiful warm day...and no doctor visits. Ron finished out the week with 2 units of packed red blood cells at the hospital Friday afternoon; a severe thunderstorm passed through, and the power went out at the hospital, so the last hour he was plugged into a red outlet which is the generator power. We continue to learn!
Have a great weekend! We will enjoy the lake more than ever.
Ron & Jan

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear things are progressing. Enjoy your your time together this week on the lake! Thinking of you. NED & TERRY
