Sunday, June 5, 2011

Day 18 at U of M Medical Center

Ron's medical care has proceeded close to expectations with a new thing or two along the way. He has had fevers from a blood infection but two IV antibiotics are fighting that well. Today his blood counts finally seem to be slightly improving. Until his bone marrow has recovered from the chemotherapy, he receives platelets and blood transfusions...two of each yesterday.
14 possible donors were found in the national registry. One has sent a blood sample to U of M for further testing which is required to make a conclusive match based on additional factors. If there is no final match from the registry, the next step is finding one in the cord bank. We will be able to think about this more after Ron recovers from the chemotherapy. We are still trying to find acceptance in how our lives have changed again.
We continue to hope that we can return to Gilead Lake by June 15. Family has been caring for our 1.3 acre yard with multiple flower beds and potted plants. I had done a great deal of planting before Ron's diagnosis of relapse, and we have many perennials. We would be home 2-3 weeks before another stage of treatments brings us back to Ann Arbor. Love to all of you and a heartfelt thanks for your support in so many different ways. Ron & Jan

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