Friday, June 17, 2011

June 17, 2011

We are looking forward to the weekend! Ron has completed his regimen of IV antibiotics and has mostly recovered from the last round of chemo. He will return to U of M Medical Center Tuesday for a bone marrow biopsy. We are celebrating Father's Day weekend with Cale and Jess's family, Niccole, and Cole. I think the weather is going to cooperate with a good lake day. Matt and Kate's family will arrive for their stay at "wee cottage" the following weekend.
Ron's oncologist has scheduled the next round of chemotherapy to begin July 5. He will be hospitalized for 5 days. The search for a bone marrow donor continues. None of the kids is a match. The lab at U of M has 6 registry samples that they are testing further to find a conclusive match. We are in a holding pattern until a match is determined.
It is great having Niccole and Cole here to help us. Also our siblings have jumped in to do yardwork and other household jobs. I have enjoyed getting out in my gardens during this stay at home. It is therapeutic for me.
Thanks for your support in so many ways. Ron enjoys receiving texts, notes, and cards. We still have a long, difficult journey ahead of us but have found it comforting to be home. We get out on the pontoon most good weather days.
Ron & Jan

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