Thursday, June 9, 2011

June 9, 2011

We are home! Ron spent 21 days in the hospital in Ann Arbor. His blood counts started to recover a few days ahead of schedule, so the doctor decided to wait and do the bone marrow biopsy about 2 weeks later, so we came home. He has a visiting nurse, and I have learned to do IV antibiotics. This is a continuation of treatment for a blood infection.
What is next? We are enjoying the lake and just being home. Our kitty, Blue, is so happy to have us at home. He will have his biopsy, a one day trip to AnnArbor, in about 10 days. A week later we will hear the results and what treatment is next. His next hospital stay will probably start after the 4th of July weekend. He continues to have blood tests 3 days a week. We are doing okay and getting into a routine again.
Love, Ron & Jan

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