Thursday, May 17, 2012

Continuing to do well...

After the occupational therapist made her visit, she signed off on us needing any more adaptive equipment, education in safety issues, or care-giving. So Ron will only have a physical therapist during the remainder of our time in the apartment. He is taking responsibility to exercise on non-therapy days, and we walked even further today. I can now see a little muscle definition in his calves and his skin is beginning to tone. His legs were/are so thin. During Ron's last hospitalization, they took him off two more medications, and that seemed to help clear his thinking quite a bit. One was his med that suppresses the conflict between his transplant cells and his own cells. Ron continues to show evidence of graft versus host disease of his skin. There are ointments to treat cGVHD of the skin rather than pills, so that is what is going on now. Some of his skin is reddened like a sunburn, and there is slight rash a couple places. He seems much more like his old self; the words feisty and cranky have even come to mind...much better than docile and lethargic. We are going home for the weekend, returning to AA for appointments everyday of the following week and hope to get the clearance to make our permanent move Memorial Day weekend. Holding our breath, Ron & Jan


  1. enjoy your weekend on the lake!! Ned & Terry

  2. The words I remember describing Doc are : "Hooky" and "Slicey" - but I guess feisty and cranky are good too. :) Mort

  3. I recall cranky, but not that often. Good thing too cause he doesn't want to butt heads with me. Glad you two are able to tour the property and enjoy the summer weather. This is all good stuff. Keep at it. Wishing the best for you guys always.


  4. Who would have ever thought we wanted Dad to be cranky and feisty??!! Yeah, Dad! Yeah, Mom!

  5. Tom and Sylvie EldridgeMay 19, 2012 at 1:52 PM

    Been watching your progress.. Keep up the therapy buddy!...I hope you get back to Gilead by Memorial Day. I noticed Mort called you "Hooky" and "Slicey" but from our high school days I remember you more as "sneaky" (sliding out of your house when your mom and dad were asleep), "party animal" (what you did when you finally met up with Hudson and I), and finally "in trouble" (when your dad met you at the door at midnight)..Oh yea, those WERE THE DAYS!!!
    Get well soon my dear friend......Tom
