Sunday, May 13, 2012

Two more weeks in Ann Arbor??

Things are going well at the apartment. Both of us have been taking naps and enjoying relaxing on our own schedule. (within reason!!). It is also good to be catching up on household tasks and starting to organize our belongings for the move home. Ron did a great job of exercising this morning, and we went on a walk outside early this evening. Both occupational and physical therapists will come to the apartment Monday, May 14 to evaluate and work with Ron-- probably for about two weeks. Then we plan to move home-home, and he will continue to have out patient therapy in Coldwater. This all seems very probable today. He also has several doctor appointments during the week of May 21 and follow-up appointments are starting to be scheduled for the months to follow. We are planning a test run to Gilead Lake the weekend of May 18-20, returning for therapy and appointments starting May 21. Part of Ron's therapy will be learning adaptations necessary due to the loss of vision in his left eye. His 5 weeks in Heartland Rehab did significantly strengthen his muscles. I am guardedly optimistic that he has finally turned the corner in his recovery. Love to all, Ron & Jan

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