Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Summer Weather in Ann Arbor

Back at the end of March I had posted this view from our apartment in Ann Arbor during fall, winter, and spring. Here is a summer view. Ron is continuing to recover well from his UTI and staph infection in his blood. He is on a course of an oral antibiotic for 14 days. Amazingly, he never had a fever with these infections but became extremely weak, confused, and lethargic. At the same time he was losing the vision in his left eye which was probably unrelated to the infections and a separate event due to low blood pressure perhaps as he slept, causing a lack of oxygen to the optic nerve. We will never know for sure. At times it is a gray disc blocking vision in most of the eye but being able to see a little around the edges or see outlines of people. Usually, he only sees black in that eye. He was not able to see the large E on the eye chart when the opthamalogist examined his eyes. We continue to be on track to go home-home in 2 weeks. We have adjusted the actual day of departure slightly because the physical therapist made her first at home visit yesterday, and she will work with him 2 weeks here. Because he is also going to have occupational therapy which needs to be in the apartment, all of his therapy will be in the apartment instead of going to an out patient facility. (insurance issue) That is okay...another way to avoid germs. Now the plan is to move home on Friday of Memorial Day weekend. Therapy will continue when we are at Gilead Lake. Ron is walking with his walker and can take some steps without it, but the therapist told him not to do that yet to ensure that he would not have another fall. When we walk outside, he uses the walker which has a seat, so he can sit and rest if needed. We are getting there! Love, Ron and Jan

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