Thursday, November 29, 2012

Feeling thankful...

What a great Thanksgiving week celebration we had! It is still hard to believe that we were at a point in Ron's recovery that we could take an eight day road trip to Ohio, Maryland, and Virgnia. (especially after learning that Ron had bloodclotting in his left leg below the knee)

We did have some challenging driving experiences on the D.C. Beltway and Pennsylvania Turnpike...Ron is not driving yet. When travel advisories warn not to travel on Wednesday and Sunday afternoons of Thanksgiving, I can vouch that that would be excellent advice.

So we enjoyed Joey and Jack's birthday party to kick off the trip in Ohio with Cale's family; finally visited Andy and Lisa's home and Abby's school in Germantown, MD; and celebrated Thanksgiving at Niccole and Cole's home in Fredericksburg. Andy's family also travelled to Fredericksburg for the turkey feast. All so very thankful!

Medical update: Ron has tolerated the daily lovenox injections well. (treatment for bloodclots) I continue to learn (or to validate) that you can do things you never imagined possible. Driving home in holiday traffic on consecutive 7 and 9 hours days and giving abdominal injections were not on my radar, but you do what you must do. ...not too old to have a reminder about human nature.

Lisa made the arrangements for Ron's MD weekly blood test, and he has had another one back here in Michigan. His platelets # has consistently improved. Ron will have his next AA check up December 12. Physical therapy resumed today, and the swelling in his leg is almost gone.

Hope you are beginning joyful holiday traditions. As a card received last year said, "Christmas is not just about being merry but also finding hope and a sense of peace."
I thought those were such inspirational words.
Love to all, Ron & Jan

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