Monday, November 5, 2012 longer grinding

Blue loves to sleep on our laps. More of a fair weather cat, he isn't meowing to go outside as frequently. There were deer in our yard today, and after a hard freeze of 20 degrees last night, the last of the leaves are falling. We made arrangements to have someone plow our driveways for us this winter. Now we just wait for the first snow.
Next week we will travel to Ann Arbor for Ron's check-up. We are anticipating tapering medication again. That is an on-going process until he is able to no longer take prednisone. Because of the prednisone and compromised immunity, he also has to take antiviral, antibiotic, and antifungal meds. BUT SO MUCH BETTER! I looked back at October and November 2011 on the blog and felt so thankful to be well beyond those months.
So grateful that Election Day is tomorrow! We will vote in the morning at Gilead Township Hall which is located out in the country. The polling locations were listed in the newspaper. Ours does not have an address...other than at the corner of Snow Prairie and Booth Roads.
Love to all,
Ron and Jan

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