Tuesday, November 13, 2012

November Monthly Check-Up

We traveled to Ann Arbor Sunday for Ron's now "monthly check-up". His appointments started early on Monday morning. It wasn't quite as smooth sailing as we had thought it would be. His bloodwork continues to show improvement in the production of platelets and red blood cells, and his other bloodwork values are improving with many in a normal range.

Ron had had swelling in one leg over the past two weeks, but there was only one day when it was significant. We had been out and about for an extended time that day, and with elevation, it diminished greatly. It didn't seem like anything new because over the past 18 months there had been leg and feet swelling on several occasions. What was different as we look back now, this time it only involved one leg. The doc ordered an ultrasound of his legs yesterday while we were at U of M, and it was discovered that he has bloodclots in his left leg below the knee. The treatment is daily injections in the abdomen of lovenox (to help dissolve clots) and weekly bloodwork to make sure that his platelets don't go too low. We had skills training for doing the injections and also what symptoms to watch for that would mean an ER visit.

The cold weather has returned, so Blue is not asking to go outside. He is a fair weather cat. We enjoy seeing the migrating birds on the lake-- various ducks, swans today, and too many noisy Canada geese to count. We are so thankful that we have only a few geese during the summer. There is a white duck that lives here year around and is part of a Canada geese family during the summer. When the geese resume flying in the late summer, he cries and cries when they take off, so I always call him "Sad Duck". He misses his family and feels lonely; I am sure. During ice fishing, he begs for fish from the fishermen. I don't know who takes him in or provides enough food and shelter than he can survive the winter, but we have seen him for a few summers now. The field camera shows deer in the yard every night. The buck has returned, too. We have an acre across the road where our garage and garden are located, and they pass behind it as they roam. The deer are moving again, and in the past 5 days I have seen a total of 4 bucks crossing the road...none up close thankfully.

Love to all,
Ron and Jan


  1. I can't tell which is the buck and which is Ron... he looks that good. ( ron that is)
    I'm impressed with how things are going for you two. Keep up the good work... and take care of any little things which may crop up. You are on the upswing for sure. Amen to that. Glad you voted... me too but.. ummm
    Tally ho

  2. Ron and Jan:

    Nice pictures of the deer. I'm surprised you don't have a shotgun at your front door. I have not talked with you in a while, I am getting ready to carry Browne and Hatcher this coming BB season. I'm glad you are doing better. Perhaps we could show up before a game in the vaunted BBC. Hang in there.

    Jeff Dever

  3. Thinking of you this Thanksgiving holiday....thankful that you are able to be home and that you are improving. So much to be thankful for. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. Take care. HUGS....Ned&Terry

  4. We are at our daughter's (Niccole) home in Fredericksburg, VA. We have stuffed ourselves today! Andy's family drove down from Germantown, MD for the day. (We had been there Monday-Wednesday.) it was great hearing from all of you. We are extra thankful to be able to travel again...even if I have to do all of the driving. We were trapped in the D.C. Turkey day exodus yesterday when we left Andy's. Now that was some crazy, heavy traffic.
    Ron's bloodtests in Michigan before we left and in Maryland yesterday indicate meds for Ron's bloodclots are working well .
    Hope everyone is in the midst of a happy thanksgiving weekend.
    Love, Ron and Jan
