Friday, February 8, 2013

Learning about Insulin...

It feels like we have been super busy getting everything in order and organized here at home. There are always many things around the house to do in addition to Ron's care. I had been concerned about Ron's glucose level, so yesterday I learned how to monitor it, and then I entered those numbers in a message to Ron's PA and nurse at U of M. The message was sent through his My U of M Health site. The nurse called this morning, so today I have learned to give insulin injections. Hopefully, this will be a temporary condition due to high doses of steroids when he was in the hospital. He had insulin injections as part of his care when he was an in-patient.

This was a very special day for us. Matt was promoted to lieutenant colonel at MacDill AFB. We had planned to be in Florida this week, and as disappointed as we are that we didn't get to go, I am so very thankful that Ron's bout of pneumonia didn't happen on a trip. I can't even imagine the level of stress it would have been if his hospitalization had been in an unfamilar setting. Niccole traveled from Fredericksburg, Virginia for the promotion. Congratulations, Matt AND Kate - for all the sacrifices she has made as a proud Army wife including 3 deployments and even the birth of Sarah without Matt.

Time for the evening IV.
Love to all,


  1. So glad to hear you are home and things moving along...never a dull moment. Congratulations to Matt and Katie!! How exciting and I know that you and Ron are so very proud!! Take care and know we are thinking of you!! Ned & Terry HUGS!

  2. Can't believe Matt is a LtCol! Where did all the time go? Glad you are safe at home & things are progressing. Love & hugs Ann & Bob

  3. Thanks guys! ...and I think I felt old when Ron made LTC.
    Love you,
