Sunday, April 7, 2013

Moving Forward

Recovery from cataract surgery is going smoothly. Ron's vision in his right eye is greatly improved. He can read the basketball scores on the tv now...and that's without his glasses!! We enjoyed the final four games tonight with the Griffiths. Happy Birthday to Uncle George, too!!! Ron will have an eye exam in 5 weeks and get his new glasses prescription. It would seem that the ECP treatments are working well for him, too, so it is good to be moving ahead. Although we didn't get our full week without AA, it is great having the eye procedure done and with such good results. Next week's trip to AA should be routine with a doctor visit and two ECP treatments--only one night at the Hampton.
I am getting out in the yard for some spring clean-up and early work in flower beds. I love seeing the day to day progression of spring, and this week will bring some rain and warmer temps, so things should really start to pop.
Happy Spring. Hope you are feeling renewed energy and hope as I am.
Love, Jan

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