Thursday, April 25, 2013

Reporting good news...

We have returned from a scheduled "routine" three day trip to Ann Arbor. Ron had his two Extracorporeal Photopheresis treatments which treat his chronic graft versus host disease. To shorten: ECP light treatments for cGVHD. The medicine and UV light therapy treats part of his blood outside his body; then it is re-infused. The modified white blood cells are less reactive to his skin. At some point, hopefully, the white blood cells from his new bone marrow will become less combative. There has all ready been improvement. His treatments are every other week now, and his prednisone was tapered at the beginning of the month. He still takes antibiotics, anti fungal, and antiviral medicine daily because of his compromised immune system.
In addition to ECP Ron also had a CT scan of his chest, and his lungs are nearly healed from his staph pneumonia in January-February. This was great news of course! He had his monthly pentamadine breathing treatment while we were there, and on the first day he had an IVIG infusion which boosts his immunity. This infusion is a process that takes about 4 hours. It is an infusion of antibodies collected from about 1,000 donors.

We are still amazed with the improvement in vision in his right eye since his cataract surgery. He will see his eye doctor again during our next trip to AA.
Things are going well.
Ron & Jan


  1. Great to hear all the good news. Hope the progress continues - even if it's frustratingly slow at times. Warm wishes from Florida.


  2. Just in time for summer!! Bronson Country Club, here we come!!

  3. It is finally looking like early spring here! I can even see a little green on my Buckeye tree as I sit at the computer. There have been swans on the lake..just passing through; Sad Duck, Farm Duck (one is gone this spring???), and one Canada Goose were swimming together when I was down on the beach doing spring clean up. The swans were swimming over by Perrys and Wee Cottage, and Sad Duck went running up in Mr. Phil's yard to get away from them. I think I will post a picture!

  4. Glad to hear about all the great progress, and love the photos you've posted, so good to see you both! I think I see warm weather in your area now, I know you will enjoy the days to come. Thanks so much for the updates - you two are an inspiration to us all.
    Happy Spring!
    Joan and Bob
