Friday, April 19, 2013

Rain, rain, and more rain...

9 inches of rain in the last 10 days by our rain gauge, and the lake makes me a believer! Our spring fed lake is filling up after a significant lower level two weeks ago. It is a good thing! I am ready to get back out there and continue spring gardening. It is very windy and cool again to the point of some snow flurries, so I will break out the long underwear again.
Ron continues to gain strength slowly, and we enjoy walking outside when weather permits. This "no Ann Arbor" week has been relaxing. We shopped for new carpet, and have just enjoyed many consecutive days at home. Next week we will be in AA for 3 days.
So, not grinding but continuing to cruise like a slow pontoon boat ride. And we will actually be doing that before too many more weeks!!
Ron & Jan

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