Sunday, October 6, 2013

Weekly Update

For our anniversary, we went to Caruso's, an Italian restaurant near home. It was a nice outing for us. Wow! And now it is October; that seems amazing to me. We did make our one day trip to Ann Arbor for Ron's immunity infusion. From check in to leaving, it takes about 6 hours. This is an infusion of antibodies from over 1000 people who have donated blood. IVIG.
We visited Ron's mother on our way home. She is 92 and lives in a foster home that provides nursing home care in an amazing, caring family setting. She is failing quickly now; she has not had a major health event. Basically, she is just wearing out. Her home is about 10 minutes from Rick and Tammy's barber shop in the Airport Road Meijer store in Jackson, MI. (Rick is Ron's brother.)
Ron's med changes have controlled his GVHD but also have aggravated his coordination and personality changes, but it is manageable. His prednisone dose should be tapered this week. We will be in Ann Arbor two days for ECP, the light treatments and check by the doc or PA.
The pontoon will go into storage this week. The weather just became autumn-like today. The last six weeks have been beautiful. Could the skies be any bluer than they are in September? Now we are enjoying the day to day changes to fall colors. Next weekend two of our Amish friends are going to come and help take out both Hover docks. I have been doing fall gardening at a very lesiurely pace.
We have our reservations made for our trip north to the Leelanau Peninsula. Both of us are looking forward to visiting some favorite places in that area. Ron is not allowed to drive, and I have become "the driver", and he is the of our many role reversals!

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