Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Living the Dream...

Our circumstances were really never a thought when we prepared for our retirement years. Who could have imagined? I had wondered how many good years we would have at our dream location, thinking it would be at least 10 more years and maybe longer. Ron was 59 when we retired and so young and active for his years. His first diagnosis of acute myeloid leukemia was less than two years later. So this dream has ended, and it is time to start in the very beginning stages of "what's next?" It is almost 4 years since Ron first started treatment.
It would make sense to find a place to live back in Bowling Green. Perhaps a good starting point would be a small apartment while a more permanent arrangement is figured out. We would keep our Gilead Lake home at first. Moving from this home feels overwhelming, and I would still like for us to have a small summer cottage. There's no crystal ball, and so much to think through. At this point, travel to somewhere warmer for a part of the winter is not possible due to Ron's medical needs which are met at U of M Hospitals. Even this thought process is a major project!!!
Meanwhile, my knee has continued to improve even though it is not right, and I had my MRI last night. Waiting for results. I am not using the crutches and can do what is needed here at home. Ron and I went to Angola and did some grocery shopping. I am putting my feet up more and still icing periodically. It doesn't feel like a big deal now.

Ron has had one of his sleepy days. His immunity is very low again, and he will have an infusion to boost it up next week. It will be a day trip, and a family friend is driving us, and I am talking way back to the 1950s for Ron and the 60s for me! See: I am starting to learn how to ask for help!
We are seeing the deer and turkeys in our yard every day. I love how nature surrounds us here and can hardly wait for the first signs of spring. A slight warm up is predicted during the next week. In the last two months we have only had 2 days where the high was above 32 degrees, many sub zero and one digit lows with ridiculous wind chills. Can you tell that I am tired of winter?!
Ron & Jan


  1. Hmmm...maybe that's why I retired....I can give you my friendship and help....if your course takes you back to BG. Love ya-Chip

  2. I would take you up on the offer!

  3. You better:) --Chip

  4. If you are thinking of moving back to bg they wlll be building some more one floor condos out by us. We live now right off Mitchell road and love our new condo! Let me know if you want the name and phone of the builder. This has been a bad winter with the snow and all. Just thought I would let you know about our condo. If you are ever in town we would love to show it to you. John and Marcia

  5. Could you give me that information? Mail or whatever you think is the best way. Does the builder have a website? We will let you know when we are back in BG for a visit. Thanks for your friendship and keeping in touch.
    Jan & Ron

  6. Jan, So many changes in the air. You must feel overwhelmed. I don't know how you cope except one day at a time. Glad the knee is a bit improved but I bet there will be some procedure involved. You just can't make this stuff up..unreal. Stay strong and keep writing. Think of you both so often. Ginny

  7. Jan, wish we lived nearer each other so I could help you. Certainly, if you return to BG, you can put my name and number on your list of helpers!! Tell Ron hello. I know you are taking care of him. . . take care of yourself, too! Sherry
