Sunday, March 23, 2014

Retreat on a military base

This picture from the area of Matt and Kate's home on MacDill AFB brought back many memories! Retreat is a work day ceremony at military bases. It signals the end of the work day with canon fire and music "Retreat". Everyone pauses and turns to face the flag or the sound of the music, knowing that the flag is being lowered for the day even if you are not able to see it. It is a time to display respect, your dedication to the flag, our country, and sacrifices that have been made. If you are in your car, you stop, get out and face Retreat. In this picture you see neighborhood children, including our grandchildren, pause their play for Retreat. AWESOME!


  1. How are you doing Jan? Dane & Brenda Hatley

  2. I am always okay after a plan is in place. "Just tell me what we need to do." Then I can go with it. It would really help right now if we could hit 60 degrees. That hasn't happened since November 17. I am trying to remember why I wished that we could have an old fashioned winter. Guess it is different through the eyes of a 6 or 7 year old and a 67 year old!!
