Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Our plan came together!!

Don't you just love it when a plan comes together? I do have to admit though that I had more discomfort than I had expected the first 24 hours after the scope. I had thought that I would immediately be able to crutch around the house. Not so, but the pain meds covered the discomfort. So glad that we have had around the clock help for 3 days and a nurse visiting 5 days. The hospital "gave us" an ice water lower leg compression cuff that circulates cold water. It is electric, and the ice water tank has to be changed about every 4 hours. It alleviates pain and swelling. Everything is so much better today, and I am able to crutch around. I am totally taking advantage of all the great support we have had. Our siblings and spouses are the best!!!


  1. Glad you are feeling better. Don't crutch around too much!

  2. Well, I am glad that you are doing so well on your knee scope recovery. Just remember not to do too much for awhile. I had my scope in January, and I am doing fine. Take care of yourself :-)
    Lynn Cooper

  3. Thanks friends! I agreed to get a nurse to help with Ron's care to "make my family happy", AND they were right!

  4. I needed help and appreciated my support team. I will have a few sessions of physical therapy starting Thursday.
