Sunday, April 27, 2014

Staying Busy!

Thought that I had better let you know that we are doing okay! I have my knee scope tomorrow and have been busy making all arrangements for both of us! Our siblings are going to take care of us. We have also been to Ann Arbor for light treatments and Dr. Mag appointment. Things are stable, and Ron had an immunity infusion, too. During this busy time, we have been looking at condos back in BG. More on that later.


  1. Good luck tomorrow. I have this picture in my mind of the two of you sitting on your chairs watching the birds on water. We'll be praying for you both. Love & hugs, Ann & Bob

  2. After the scope be sure to do the PT. It may be a little uncomfortable, but you have to do it. Hear the voice of experience. :) Mort

  3. Jan,
    You take good care of yourself for a change. Wish you happy healing and peaceful thoughts. Spring is coming.
    Hugs, Ginny

  4. Thanks for the update Jan...Dane & Brenda
