Saturday, April 12, 2014

Welcome to early spring!

This was an Ann Arbor week. It didn't turn out as routine as we thought it would be. Ron has his blood draw appointment first, and when he pulled up his shirt because they draw from his central line which has 3 tubes, one line had blood in it, and there was dried blood on his chest and all tubing. Long story short, that tube had a hole in it next to its clamp, so he went into the OR in the afternoon and had an all new central line placed. Routine to them, not so much for us. He has had chest bruising and tenderness but about back to our normal now.
In spite of that experience being tiring, we decided to go ahead with our plans to travel to BG the next morning to see a condo to help us get a reference point for what we might buy or rent there. No crystal ball but as we might continue to need more help and know that we will continue to travel to AA frequently, a home base in BG in addition to Gilead Lake makes sense. We are excited about continuing to explore that option. It is a one hour drive from BG to AA, so visits would not have to be overnight.
Ron's appointment with the BMT doctor did not have any surprises. His medications will stay the same, told Ron that he cannot drive (of course....the difference being that Ron seems to be accepting now that he will never drive again) told us that nothing can be done about his loss of teeth with his current health status, and suggested that we move ahead to have the serum eyedrops made. Ron's blood will be a part of the serum formula.
It is an absolute delight to have the lake thawed and the first spring flowers starting to bloom. Our temperatures will go up and back down but no more extended frigid weather. Yeah!! I love getting back outside for some yardwork. Happy spring to all of you!

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