Saturday, October 29, 2016

Happy Halloween! 🎃

Ron and I have both loved fall for many reasons. This year has been different with warmer than usual days and no trip to northern Michigan. We have been taking drives to visit places closer to our homes, and we choose days that are mostly sunny, so the fall colors are shown off. Both of us continue to enjoy taking pictures of the sights we visit. I will post a few soon. I know the decision to not take overnight trips is the best for us. (Except between Gilead Lake and Bowling Green.)
I am still in the process of trying to get a portable oxygen concentrator for Ron. It should make our outings easier.
Since I started this entry, the respiratory tech has come and evaluated Ron's oxygen needs again. A portable concentrator is probably not the way to go due to the level of oxygen he needs. The batteries would not last long, and I would be looking for a place to plug it in frequently. Also, he would need a larger one, so I would still have a machine on wheels to pull around. The other option is a smart dose valve which is not a constant flow like he has now. With it, tanks last a lot longer, and we could have smaller tanks for outings. The valve monitors his breathing and adjusts automatically as his requirement varies.

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