Thursday, December 8, 2016

Medical Update

Today Ron had appointments at the University of Michigan Medical Center in Ann Arbor. The 7th floor of Mott Hospital in their huge connected medical center is the Bone Marrow Transplant and Leukemia Clinic. Half of the floor is for adult patients and half pediatric. Ron had bloodwork done at 8:30. Then we had breakfast in their cafe. His immunity infusion was scheduled at 9:30, and Dr. Magenau and Tim Higgins, PA came to his infusion room for Ron's appt with them. Ron's white blood cell count remains high indicating an infection. Because he already takes 3 antibiotics, an antifungal, and an antiviral, the next treatment will be immunity infusions once a month for four months. There is not another antibiotic pill to add to what he already takes. If he becomes acutely ill, he will have to go into the hospital for IV antibiotics. The infection is likely in his lungs, but he has no fever, and his coughing issues are chronic so no big change there. He has had more random cognitive glitches, but overall, that is okay. Because I am with him nearly all of the time, sometimes I feel like I lose perspective. He fell two days ago on his bottom but was lucky to only have a couple bruises. So hopefully today's immunity infusion will start to help lesson this infection wherever it is. Also, getting an IV in was difficult today. When they have to go to the second arm and find a different person to try, it is not going well. His veins are not good due to long term steroid medication and probably other reasons too. When this happens, we miss the central line that he had for years.
I can't say enough good things about Dr. Mag and Tim. We totally trust their medical decisions and value their friendship. Both of us feel like we are among friends in a competent, professional setting. The infusion center is adjacent to the clinic, and Ron has his treatment is in a private room, much like a hospital room. Today we watched the snow fly outside! This is the 7th winter that Ron has had treatment for AML leukemia and complications from his bone marrow transplant. The "new"BMT Clinic in Mott Hospital just celebrated their 5th anniversary from opening day. Ron had the first infusion administered 5 years ago. His first years of treatment were in the main University Hospital.
Enjoy the holidays and find peaceful moments.
Love, Ron & Jan

1 comment:

  1. Your pictures are all so beautiful. I see Ron has the winner with that fall tree. The man has skills. You are both doing the very best you can..nothing gets easier apparently. We think of you so often.. have a wonderful Christmas with your family. ton of love..Hetch and Ginny
