Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Happy New Year!

I used to try to sum up a year in one word. That would be a challenge this year....or maybe that is the word: challenge. It is a challenge to accept the changes in our lives, especially since early June when it was necessary for Ron to start being on oxygen 24-7. His lung damage and ongoing control of the infection in his lungs has made the need for oxygen a permanent change. In spite of the complications that has caused, Ron remains amazingly positive as you can see by his New Year Day's note to me.
Ron has had another immunity infusion this week; it seems like they do help him fight off sickness. He has had 2 separate days the last 6 weeks when I thought an ER visit was on the threshold, but then both times he improved after a day when his oxygen requirement had bumped up significantly higher. He doesn't get a fever, so I don't have that as a determining factor; a fever would actually make the ER decision a lot easier! He doesn't complain, and of course, he doesn't want to go.
Overall, we were able to enjoy our usual holiday celebrations, and now we're settled in to the quiet weeks following what felt like a busy December for us. January holds a strange combination of letdown and relief.

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