Sunday, January 29, 2017

"It's different this time."

Ron had told his medical team at U of M that "it's different this time." Dr. Mag told him that he should be so proud of his amazing fight, but that there were so many things affected this time. Even after Ron's hospitalization in June, I had told the kids that I felt like there would just be one more time...that he wouldn't be able to come home next time. Now it is the next time. I feel at peace that we did everything we could. I so appreciated the time that Dr. Mag spent with us this past week. The discharge nurse, social worker, PA Brittany, the nurses, everyone was comforting to us. Emily, the night nurse, talked to Ron as he rested and had a calming presence.
Ron is resting comfortably. He is quieter today but visits with us and watches basketball. He has said that it hurts deep within his lungs when he coughs. He doesn't really understand his physical limitations, so it is difficult to explain why I can't just help him get into the bathroom with his walker. They use a lift to move him from bed to chair.
Yes, it's different this time. I know that I can no longer care for him at home.

1 comment:

  1. There is such grief in having to turn over care to others. I'm so glad you are at peace knowing you have done and are continuing to do all you can!!
