Tuesday, January 24, 2017

A Brief Update

Ron has been hospitalized since Saturday morning. He is very sick and has spent part of his time in ICU. His kidneys are failing, and he has had a "small" heart attack. He had been slowly declining for a few weeks, and he also had a fall last Thursday. He did not hit his head, but the impact with the floor injured his clavicle, shoulder joint, and a rib. That has been painful. Because his kidneys could not metabolize narcotic pain medication, he had serious consequences that required Narcan to reverse. Niccole and Cale have been with me to help understand how to move forward. My sister and brotherinlaw are here in Ann Arbor and other family members are coming tomorrow. I am surrounded by family and our friends in the Bone Marrow Transplant Team. Ron's transplant doctor, Dr. Mag, is the doctor on service for the BMT inpatient hospital wing, so that is comforting to have him as Ron's hospital doctor.

1 comment:

  1. We are praying for the best outcome for Ron and know how hard this is for you. So glad you have family with you. Love & hugs, Ann & Bob
