Saturday, April 14, 2012

10th day of rehab: Heartland of Ann Arbor

Rehabilitation is helping Ron. He is motivated and has the desire to get better. Although his blood pressures continue to vary significantly from lying down to standing, it is not as large a difference. They continue to tell us as he gains muscle especially in his legs, his muscle contractions when standing and walking will constrict the blood vessels in his legs and stabilize the BP.
It has been comforting and helpful to have all of the kids visiting over the last 3 weeks. Now the siblings will be visiting us as we move ahead. I haven't asked, but Ron will probably have 2 more weeks in rehabilitation. The main goals are becoming independent in exercise and stabilizing blood pressure.
Your continued support in many ways has been so meaningful to us. Ron usually reads his texts on his phone but has not begun to return texts yet. He is being weaned off a medication that causes tremors, and the therapist is working on hand strength. He cannot press the buttons on the remote control to change channels and volume freely, and it is physically difficult for him to text and write. I do read his texts to him and also the emails that have been sent to my address: Again thanks for your continued support.
Love, Ron & Jan

1 comment:

  1. Cowboy,

    Keep at those leg lifts and arm curls. Eat your Wheaties too..and before long, good as new. We're cheering for you... sure can't cheer for the Pens, eh?
    Thinking of you.
    Dr. Hetch and Ginger
