Friday, April 6, 2012

April 5-6, 2012

I have to admit that taking Ron to a rehabilitation center was a culture shock for me. Before his arrival, I had focused on the benefit that I knew he would receive with intense therapy, and I had not prepared myself for what Heartland and the other patients would look like when we arrived. Then he doesn't have a private room like he has been used to at U of M. That being said, our adjustment followed rather quickly with the warm, caring staff here. I just have to initiate more information-sharing at Heartland where at the hospital, that was done automatically by the nurses, PAs, NPs, and docs.
Ron had 2.5 hours of therapy yesterday. We can already see some improvement!


  1. Ummm can you imagine his horror if I was in the next bed...bitching about everything.

  2. M-m-m... Would not be a good thing.
