Sunday, April 8, 2012

From Journey to Saga...

As this ride continues, I think it is appropriate to call it a saga. Ron's roomie has had to return to the hospital, so now Ron is in a room alone, and I have pulled back the curtain so we can see the pink dogwoods in bloom outside the window. Happy Easter!
Ron's side of the room has the advantage of being next to the bathroom, but it truly is close to the size of our Ford F-150 truck. There is a nice wingback chair for me, and I also sit on his walker. He has a very small TV on a retractable arm. The staff here has been very caring and kind.
Tomorrow I will take Ron for a blood draw and doc appt at the Bone Marrow Transplant Clinic in new Mott Hospital...our usual destination for appointments. He will see his BMT doc, Dr. Mag, who has been great. I hope we are back by noon for lunch here and physical therapy in the afternoon. Niccole and Cale are coming tomorrow. Then Matt is coming later in the week. Andrew was here 2 weeks ago.
I hope so much that we will be able to go home May 1. There are many medical issues that have been worked through or resolved. He has not had high dose steroids for some time now, the BK and CMV viruses are gone, his electrolytes are acceptable, as are his other bloodcounts. His blood cells made by the new bone marrow run low, but he does not need transfusions. His skin does not have active graft versus host disease, and although he has GVHD in his mouth, it has not caused lesions, just dry mouth. Now he needs to rebuild muscle strength, so his blood pressures stay more stable in different positions. (orthostatic hypotension) He was so weak, that he could not pull himself higher in the bed but needed to be moved up in his bed using a loose sheet under him. He could not sit for very long on the edge of the bed without tipping over, and he continues to not be able to walk without assistance even when using the walker, so there is a good deal of therapy that needs to be done. It feels like we are in the right place.


  1. Ron and Jan,

    Happy Easter to both of you. It sounds like good progress has been made in many areas. We send you our best and think of you so often..Keep at it.

    Ginny and Hutch

  2. We wish you a Happy Easter full of new hope and new beginnings! Glad to hear that progress is being made. Keeping you in our thoughts and prayers. Enjoy the visits with the kids....very good healing medicine!! Take care...HUGS! Ned & Terry

  3. I check this blog every day for a dose of motivation.

    Thanks Jan for keeping us all informed.

    I join all of Ron's friends and family in the frustration of not being able to do more to move this process along faster.

    Destitutus ventis, remos adhibe

    Hang tough ! ! !

