Saturday, January 21, 2012

January 21, 2012: Day #150

Can you believe it has been 150 days since Ron's transplant...and we still live in Ann Arbor? Because Ron had responded well to the first six rounds of chemotherapy in 2010 and 2011 and all of the discharges were possible within the minimum days expected, we had expected the 7th round of chemo and the transplant to go more smoothly than it has. 100 days was the minimum goal, and we had thought that we would be back home after the 4 months total-- 100 days after transplant. (early or mid-December) we continue to be optimistic that Ron will be discharged to return home soon after Day #180. He will have his 6 month anniversary tests (as they call it) and an appointment with the head physician of the BMT team at the end of February.
Things are definitely moving ahead; Ron does not seem to be weaker since the last two times his steroids dose was lowered. He continues to be fatigued and needs assistance walking but is not worse. This is "moving ahead" because he is maintaining while his steroids (medrol) are lowered. He took 96mg each day in September; now he takes 4mg. This is truly grinding at this point. It is hard to understand how the drama of past events fueled me to be able to have the stamina I needed to get through the bad days we had. I am so glad that I have the focus again that you need to be able to read books because with much less time at the clinic and more at the apartment, reading has been a great pastime...especially the last 3 weeks. Both of us are beginning to look ahead more and not living so much in the moment. We are mapping out our last weeks here in Ann Arbor and talking about spring gardening, getting a new dock for the pontoon, riding in a golf cart, and taking trips to visit the kids. It feels really good to be planning our return to normal life.
Love, Ron & Jan


  1. Jan and Ron
    This is your long lost cousin Tom T. Have been watching your blog and just want you to know you are both in our prayers. Would like to get to see you both along with all the cousins. Saw Gary, George and Anne at aunt Mary's b-day party but didn't get to spend much time. So good to see them. Look forward to seeing you also.

  2. It is awesome to hear from you! We must all get together this summer; it is a long time since all of us lived at the Troxell farm. It would be fun to walk the property. I still enjoy getting a chuckle when I tell someone about my relatives: Tom Griffith Troxell, Tom Brush Troxell, and Tom Troxell Parker. I have a granddaughter: Allison Troxell Hover! Thanks for keeping in touch and sending prayers our way.
    Love, Jan
