Sunday, January 15, 2012

Weekend: January 15, 2012

We've had a few inches of snow, breezy during the storm, and cold temps, so it looks and feels like January. Cale, Jess, and the kids visited yesterday, so we went sledding on the hills directly behind our apartment building. So much fun to see them enjoy the activity outside, and sledding conditions were good.
Ron is grinding, but we look back at times and think about the situations we have made it through and are so grateful that his recovery has become more settled. He does his exercises every other the physical therapist had instructed him during her sessions. It will be nice when we can walk outside again.
We continue with precautions regarding Ron's low immunity. I have used more chlorox wipes and chlorox any hard surface spray in the past months than the rest of my life. He continues to wear a mask when out in the public, and has some restrictions on what he can eat. We cannot eat in restaurants yet. His weight is staying around 153 now. Because he had graft versus host disease of the gut, his digestion, absorption of food, and digestive comfort continue to be an issue at times. His GVHD of the skin will also remain an issue at times, but all of this is manageable.
Ron & Jan


  1. Hi Jan and Ron!! Got your card! Thank you! that was thoughtful of you!! how are you guys doin? I hope all is well with you Ron. Stay strong! You got this! Lets kick cancer's ASS! I've left 8B and came back to 8A--now 7West!! I work nights now so I probably won't be able to see you if you came to visit. But keep up the good work. Miss you guys!! Take care... Randeep

  2. Hey Randeep,
    I found your note! It was so good to see you today...Feb. 22. We continue to think of you often and are glad to hear that you are on 7West. If need be, it will be such a comfort to know that you are there. We continue to send positive thoughts and good wishes your way. You have been such an important part of this long journey.
    Love ya, Ron & Jan
