Wednesday, January 11, 2012

January 6-11, 2011: Day #140 after transplant

No real good excuse or problems that have prevented me from blogging! Today was Ron's regular weekly appointment at the BMT Clinic. Usually, it is very quiet in this new clinic in the new Mott Hospital, but today the number of patients and noise level was higher. There had been flooding from a broken water main in the Cancer Center where Ron used to have his appointments, so many of their cancer patients and their staff were using "our clinic". We continue to use the pharmacy there because of established rapport with the pharmacists and how closely and well they communicate with the BMT Clinic, so now we are temporarily using the hospital pharmacy. (but our pharmacists had moved too. Guess it is quite the mess and water damaged.)

Ron had a good appointment today. The doc lowered his steroid dose again after two weeks. The decrease had left him more fatigued and not as steady, but those symptoms were improving, so he moves forward. There were no surprises in his bloodwork, so all in all, a good appointment. Tapering the steroids at this stage can be slower but we are hopeful that at next Wednesday's appointment they will be able to taper again. I had been worried about changes in his skin the past two weeks with increased blotching and redness, but the doc said that he does not have chronic GVHD but residual skin changes from the acute GVHD. That was such a relief! Dr. Magenau, Tim PA, and Maria RN are so thorough with Ron's care and explaining everything to us. They're an awesome team.

Now that I think back, I have been busy... watching football and college basket ball games until all hours and reading The Girl with the Dragon Tatoo and its two sequels. I love reading on the IPad. I think I might go with something lighter for my next book choice. I have also started working on my new year and thank you correspondence. I only made one new year resolution: dirty dishes go directly into the dishwasher. (no dirty dishes collecting in the sink!). Hope your new year is off to a good start and you're sticking to those new year resolutions.
Love to all, Ron & Jan

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