Tuesday, January 31, 2012

January 31, 2012: Day #160 after transplant

This has been a long month. I think that is for a combination of reasons. I remember when I was still teaching that I always felt that it was such a productive month coming off winter break and with fewer distractions. (when the weather didn't cause too many interruptions!) The sameness of the days of this month has been both welcomed and the reason for January dragging by. Grinding. Fewer distractions which is a good thing!

My sister and brother (and spouses) continue to take turns making weekly visits to check on us, bring our mail from home, and transport things back and forth from home. We are very close; from our family of 6, it has just been the three of us for over 30 years now. The weather has cooperated; it has been an uneventful winter, so that brings us hope for an early spring. As I read back over this, I think I have some symptoms of cabin fever:)

What's next? Tomorrow is Ron's regular appointment day. I am quite sure that they will taper his steroids this week. I will take my usual list of questions concerning the status of his skin, his fatigue, what his blood tests indicate, our projected departure from Ann Arbor, and the battery of six month tests that he will have in February. I am anticipating this month to pass more quickly.
I will report back tomorrow or Thursday. Hopefully, our timeline for our return home will be more definite.
Love, Ron & Jan


  1. Know time is dragging but progress is steady if slow. Praying for continued progress. Ann & Bob

  2. Thanks for your steady support. It has meant a lot to us. Love, Ron & Jan
