Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Doctor Day: Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The roller coaster ride continues. This has turned into a long doctor day. Ron had his six month post transplant pulmonary function test first, and the results show that his lung function is not declining. He is not a fan of a test that clamps his nose tightly shut, but happy for the good results. More good results!!! His bone marrow biopsy from last week showed no leukemia, so he is still in remission. His new bone marrow is working well, but the ups and downs of the GVHD are disheartening at times. They considered admitting him today but are giving him IV fluids during his ECP light therapy because he is dehydrated. Hopefully, that will perk him up some. He has lost 8 more pounds in the last two weeks. 146.5 pounds, down from 211 in May 2011. A stomach scope has been ordered to check for GVHD issues in the gut. As the nurse said, we need to get this train turned around again.
I am tired today. I didn't sleep much last night as I was thinking about the biopsy and Ron's weight loss and weakness. I am glad that there will not be IVs yet to do when we get back to the apartment. He may need more IV hydration at home. Next Tuesday Ron has his appointment with the GVHD Clinic, so perhaps then we will have a better idea for the course of action needed to fully recover.

1 comment:

  1. Great news on the good test results! I am sorry to hear that the GVHD keeps causing such a set back. Keep your chin up--you are under the best care and he will get to go home soon. Love, Jill
