Wednesday, February 15, 2012

February 15, 2012: Six Months in Ann Arbor

We both felt reassured after seeing the doc today. Ron's skin had flared up on Monday, and he just didn't feel well, so additional blood tests were done today to check for an infection even though he does not have a fever. He had felt weaker again during the last week, so it was decided to change his steroid from Medrol to hydrocortisone (which hopefully will raise his energy level too). They work differently but both are steroids. He has an adrenal insufficiency, so this change might help stimulate his body to produce steroids. His skin flare-up was controlled again with prescribed ointments, and that just might be something that we have to deal with for awhile. His immune system is stubborn about "playing nice" with his body, but the doc reassured us that they think this will eventually happen...just not as fast as we want it to. So we move ahead.
The big news is that the doc changed him totally to pill meds today. No more IVs!!! After his last ECP light therapy treatment next Wednesday where they use the port to circulate blood out to collect white blood cells in a centrifuge--then send the cells back after they are treated, he will have a procedure to remove the central line. After that he will have to be poked again for blood tests; that is the down side. Ron's sedated bone marrow biopsy and bloodtests are still scheduled for Friday. Things continue to be in order for moving home in early March.
We moved to Ann Arbor six months ago today. Hopefully, we have just paid our last month's rent on this totally furnished apartment. It has been such a great arrangement for us. There was no lease, and after the first month, you are only required to give two weeks notice.
Love to all, Ron & Jan

1 comment:

  1. So glad you have this blog to keep us all updated. It sounds like good news and so happy you may be moving back home. We miss you both. Janet please give Ron a big hug from me. Risa
