Monday, February 6, 2012

Super Bowl Weekend at Wall Lake: Feb. 5-6, 2012

Our Super Bowl weekend was Sunday-Monday. What a great visit to my sister's home! (Anne & George) and what a great game! The Troxells were there as well, and although things were much tamer than they used to be, we had a fun get-together. Good food, good times. As you may remember, Anne & George are keeping our kitty, Blue, while we live in Ann Arbor. Lucky for Blue Boy that they spoil him as much as I do. He did remember us and was his lovey, needy self.
After 3 days back on steroid cream and increasing the immune-suppressant dosage, Ron's skin started to show improvement. That was quite a relief for both of us. They have not yet diagnosed him with chronic graft versus host disease, but that is always a concern for us. I am writing this at Gilead Lake while Ron naps. We brought a load of things home and will stop by the post office on our way back to Ann Arbor. We know that it is not quite time to move home permanently, and we are accepting of that. That is the next phase of his recovery, and we really don't know what the follow-up care will be. He will not need platelet or blood transfusions at our local cancer center because his new bone marrow is doing well. His body needs to learn to be more accepting of his new blood cells. Overall, things going well and feel like we are moving ahead again.


  1. Good to hear you are having some "normal" fun!

  2. Thanks for checking up on us:). We stopped at our house on Sunday and Monday. It was good motivation to get things in order here in Ann Arbor. I am so ready to do some gardening! I might have to plan a little less! I have always known that I have teaching and farming /gardening in my genes.
