Saturday, September 29, 2012

Day # 400 after transplant has passed.

This is a relaxing weekend. We are keeping busy here at home, but there are no outside factors affecting our schedule or the pace we're moving. September just might be the best month of the year. It has definitely been our best month of 2012, based on Ron's progress, the number of doctor appointments, and the weather!

Ron is reading for pleasure again as he continues to adjust to having sight only in his right eye. He has physical therapy twice a week...probably for at least another month. He practices walking some without his cane, and his balance issues are not as severe. Both of us are enjoying being outside more during this cooler weather in September. He continues to take several medications and has a weakened immunity system. Most importantly though, he is continuing to make progress, and his neurologist says that progress can be made for even 2 or 3 more years. He seems more like himself.

Ron has had side effects from many of his treatments and medications, and as medications have been reduced or eliminated, those changes in medications seem to help him return to himself. Some meds had especially affected his personality, but that has now reversed. His cure has come at a high cost to his body, but the leukemia is in remission, and his body will continue to heal. I hope he will be able to drive his truck again and play golf again next year.

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