Saturday, September 8, 2012

Update from Gilead Lake...

This is a Ron Hover update...not a Blue Hover update. This was a busy, yet okay week. We are on a roll. We enjoy Blue's antics more than ever; it is raining periodically, so everything is growing well and doesn't require time consuming watering, and best of all, Ron is on the mend again.

We spent two days in Ann Arbor for several year anniversary tests. Although Ron was aware that he was having some hearing issues, it was hard for him to find out that he has 40-50% hearing loss in both ears. However, with amplifying sound, he can hear very well, so hearing aids will work well for him. We are moving slowly with the hearing aids as Ron adjusts to this latest disappointing news for him. I say anything that can be fixed is not too bad.

In addition to the hearing test, Ron also had another CT scan of his head, an echo heart test, and a bone marrow biopsy. He has been sedated for his last two bone marrow biopsies and is still trying to figure out why he went macho and had the first 6 or 7 with just a local anesthetic. He does have some soreness for a day after the biopsies.

Next week we will meet with Dr. Mag for a regular appointment and hear test results. We will again be in Ann Arbor for two days. This time I made a reservation at the Hampton Inn next to Briarwood Mall. In addition to seeing his BMT doc, he will also see his symptom management doc, start his immunizations, and see two eye doctors. This will be his last eye appointment for a study that he was a part of. Instead of restasis, he has used a steroid eye drop for over a year now. It is Lotemax, and he has not had dry eyes which is a common side effect of a bone marrow transplant. The other eye doc specializes in neurological vision problems. Ron started being seen in his office after losing sight in his left eye.

We are enjoying the return of the football season and the cooler, wetter weather. Both of us love September and October especially. Hoping for a great autumn and steady progress in Ron's recovery!
Love, Ron & Jan

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