Thursday, December 6, 2012

Medical Update

Ron will be seen by his transplant doctor on December 12th. The clinic contacted us to let him know that they have scheduled an IVIG infusion for him starting at 9:30 after his bloodwork appointment. This infusion will increase his immunity; it is the one with donor antibodies (from plasma) from over 1000 donors. It is given slowly; the infusion is scheduled for six hours and will be his third one this year. The Bone Marrow Transplant Clinic has its own infusion area, and Ron will have a room --like a hospital room. Dr. Mag and PA Tim will see him while he is in the infusion area.

Overall, I think we are continuing to move forward. Ron has weekly bloodtests at our local hospital to check for side effects from his Lovenox daily injections which he takes for the bloodclots in his lower left leg. I finally asked for a timeframe for the injections since I give them in his abdomen and hoped that it wouldn't be too much least six months was the answer, and actually I was glad that I hadn't asked sooner.

Ron's U of M appointments are a month apart now. He continues to have physical therapy twice a week. His PT center has a maintainence program for when he no longer has a prescription for PT. He can use their facility as needed for only $24 a month. It will be especially important to continue during our cold, snowy winter months. Also, it is a branch of the local hospital, and everything is sanitized more frequently than a fitness center.

We are enjoying decorating for the holidays. We only had a few of our things in AA last year. We both laughed when I opened some of the holiday storage tubs and said, "This is like Christmas!!". I also realized that I have too much stuff, and "less is more" came to mind. So as things change, it can still be good, very good in fact.
Happy Holidays!
Love, Ron & Jan


  1. Glad things are going well & yes, you-the caregiver can learn to do whatever is necessary. We learn quickly that all the material things are not what is important. Enjoy the holidays, family & friends. Love & hugs, Ann & Bob

  2. I will happily take some of your Christmas donations!
