Friday, December 21, 2012

Recovery at Home Continues

Once we are home, there are a hundred things to do! That is not a bad thing. I still have to finish up a few Christmas cards..just threw everything off the kitchen table and into a box before we left for the hospital on Monday. I am thankful that Ron had a fever this time because there was no discussing whether to go or not, and the infection was treated relatively early. In August he was very sick before Matt and I took him to the ER. To everything there is a learning curve.

So what was it? He definitely had a urinary tract infection, a worsening cough which was probably bronchitis, and moderate skin flare due to his chronic graft versus host disease. He felt very weak Monday morning when he got up and had a fever. If he hadn't had the infection going on, the doc said that he would have given him an infusion of steroids to help knock down the skin changes. The nasal swab for flu viruses returned all negative. The IV antibiotics worked wonders and worked quickly.

My next questions for the doc will be what preventions could be taken when his cough worsens and his urine is noticeably different. That had been going on prior to the fever, or maybe you just have to wait to see if something develops. I hope his IVIG infusion 10 days ago will help his immune system.

So we have been hanging out at home to rest up and recuperate for the activities that are planned for the weekend and next week. I hope all of you are excited about your holiday plans and a break from your routines. Last night I enjoyed a favorite tradition of reading and just enjoying all holiday cards and letters: beautiful,thoughtful cards, wonderful pictures of relatives, friends, children and grandchildren, pets, memories of 2012,and a glimpse into the lives of so many people special to us. Although we are scattered far and wide, this visit draws all of us a little closer again. I will look at them several times.

Love and Merry Christmas,
Ron & Jan


  1. Merry Christmas to the Hovs... enough of this hospital excitement for 2012, ya hear?? Glad you are home and getting ready for the wild rumpus.
    Enjoy the fun and games with your crew. Our thoughts will be with you.

    Cheers to a refreshed New Year...
    Hetch and Ginger

  2. As it turns out, I did miss the Christmas hoopla on "the day". We had our gift exchange with Cale's family when they spent the weekend of 15-16, and we also all went to my sister's for a family gathering. Now on the 26th we are anticipating the Year's first significant snow.
