Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas!!

Hope you have special memories of this day. Today I was thinking about the many different places that we have celebrated Christmas...especially when the kids were little. Those are special memories. This year we are home at the lake and were not able to travel to BG because both of us are recuperating from sneezing and coughing colds. Actually I think that I caught it from Ron. We did travel to Jackson on Sunday to celebrate the season with Ron's mother who is almost 92 and his brother and wife. It may have been a bit ambitious since he was not really recovered from his hospitalization. He seemed pretty shaky on Sunday, so a two day trip was simply not a good idea. We have celebrated Christmas with Cale's and Jessica's family for many years, so it was sad to not be able to do that, but I could tell that Ron was almost relieved when I told him that I just didn't think we should make the trip. I don't think anyone would want to be exposed to whatever bug we have. So there is next year. We have learned to roll with the punches and do whatever is necessary to move forward with Ron's recovery.

Ron will have his weekly bloodtest tomorrow morning in Coldwater, weather permitting. I still have concerns about his skin flare-up and BK virus that affects his bladder. We go back to Ann Arbor for appointments on January 15-16.

Love to all of you during this beautiful season. Peace.
Ron & Jan

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