Friday, August 16, 2013

Two Entries Today....

I have shown restraint to not put our most joyful news of the year in the blog. I can wait no longer!! Ron and I will be blessed with our ninth grandchild in January. Andrew and Lisa are expecting a sibling for Abby. Next month they will learn if the baby is a boy or girl, breaking our tie of 4 granddaughters and 4 grandsons. The first 8 grandchildren arrived in 7 years, so this baby seems extra special since it will arrive 5 1/2 years after Allison, our youngest, was born. Big sister Abby will be 6 1/2 by then.
Woo!! Hoo!!
Congratulations to Andrew, Lisa, and Abby!! Baby Hover will be born in Landstuhl, Germany where Andy and Cale were born when we were stationed in Baumholder, Germany.
Pa & Grammy

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations!! Very exciting time ....Remember well when Andy was born! Hope all goes well for them. Take care. Ned & Terry
