Thursday, May 8, 2014


We have been making some changes. Today we sold Ron's truck because for some time he has not been able to drive. He did some "country driving" last summer which was questionable due to his poor vision and reaction time. Also, I know that we will continue to need more assistance with Ron's care and will continue to make trips to Ann Arbor for treatments every other week. I have adjusted to just letting some things go. Ron gets frustrated with my over-mothering. Usually, I let him choose his clothes, decide when to shave, give less comments and direction concerning clutter around his chair, food on his clothes, etc.
On Tuesday we will be closing on a condo in Bowling Green. We will be able to make day trips to his appointments and stay at the condo. It will be wonderful to see Cale's family much more and lean on our Bowling Green friends. We are keeping our lake house in Michigan; we are closer to our siblings here and are in the area where we grew up. Time wise, we will probably be at the lake more days during the warmer months. We will stay in BG during AA weeks and in the winter.
I had my first physical therapy session today, and my recovery is going very well. I expect my knee to be "totally normal" by the end of May.
Put grape jelly out today because I had seen an oriole. Amazing! They love it and such a special sight to see! I finally put out my hummingbird feeder and am waiting patiently. We have numerous yellow finches coming to our feeders, too. Loving nature's surprises...the two deer I have seen frequently were behind our garage today. Very pleased that the pump and well I had drained and winterized on the garage side of the road is working again. I held my breath as I turned it on!

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