Thursday, May 15, 2014

Quick Update from AA

On Tuesday afternoon we arrived in AA after the closing on our condo in Bowling Green, Ohio. Within a half an hour, a storm blew in with 65 mph winds. That night breathing difficulties which had been escalating worsened. Early in the morning Ron fell off the curb in a parking lot; two men helped me get him up to a picnic table. He refused to go to the hospital until his scheduled appointment at noon. He was admitted because of the fall and his need for oxygen.
Ron has been undergoing testing, and he has pneumonia again and broke four ribs in the fall, so he is taking IV antibiotics and has responded quickly to treatment. He really does not complain of pain from the rib fractures even though there is some displacement. He rarely mentions any discomfort except for skin itching.
So we will be at Mott Hospital where the bone marrow transplant clinics and in-patient hospital for BMT patients - adult and pediatric- are located. Ron will be a patient here for a few more days.


  1. Hope he continues to respond well. Pneumonia is probably always in the background for him. Hope your knee is doing well also. We keep you in our prayers always. Love & hugs, Ann & Bob

  2. Oh my.....that's not good! I hope he is responding to the meds and the hospital stay as well. Take care of your knee. Hope you all get home soon. Chip

  3. Thanks for your messages. Remembering Brooke Army Hospital in San Antonio when Ron had surgeries for testicular cancer---no cell phone, no car because we were flown there from Ft. Sill, no email, etc. it felt isolated, but now we can feel connected to friends and family through those things plus the blog and even FB.

  4. Thanks for your messages. Remembering Brooke Army Hospital in San Antonio when Ron had surgeries for testicular cancer---no cell phone, no car because we were flown there from Ft. Sill, no email, etc. it felt isolated, but now we can feel connected to friends and family through those things plus the blog and even FB.

  5. Hope his ribs feel better soon. He is SO tough and you are amazing! ~Jill
