Friday, May 23, 2014

Back home at Gilead Lake

Ron needed oxygen for a few hours Saturday afternoon, so we couldn't come home until Monday afternoon. After reviewing everything, the doc thought the IV antibiotics were the best treatment, so I am giving him cefapime IVs every 8 hours. I have done this several times before, and I use his central line.
A nurse has come to our home twice and a PT once. The PT thinks that I should write a book. We will be back in AA 3 days next week. Physical Medicine is going to evaluate him for more intensive rehab.
It is exhausting to be in the hospital 6 days. Then you are hyped up to be home and do too much the first day. I am catching up some with naps and into the routine of new care for Ron. He has improved some the last two days.
Niccole surprised us by arriving on Thursday for the long weekend. I have put her right to work!
I am working on making the arrangements for a moving company to transport some of our belongings to the condo in BG in mid June. The condo will give us more options for where we go from here. Lots of unknowns.


  1. Do you need someone (me) to meet the movers when they arrive in BG?? That way I could get them putting boxes in rooms where you have marked. This way you will not have that to do when you do arrive to unpack. LMK...Chip

  2. Jan, tell me how I can help. . .please. I will help however you need me!


  3. My sister and sister-in-law are helping me pack things in tubs. They are helping on both ends. We will have a dorm frig to start with. I am going to be buying some appliances and TV. I could use someone to pick up subs for us on Saturday. Then I might need help having someone sit with Ron while I do some shopping to set up the condo...the next week. Cale is working on this too. Sherry, Ron would love some of your cookies! I can hardly wait to see you guys again.
